FILTER 203 A2B2E2K2P3 / for TR82, TR2002CL2, TR2002CL3, ST85



Product Information

Combined filter with standard t hread connector t o EN 148‑1 for organic vapours having boiling point higher than 65°C, inorganic gases and vapours, Sulphur Dioxide (SO2 ), Ammonia (NH3) and its derivatives, dusts, fumes and mists.

The filter can be used with full face masks that they are fitted with EN 148-1 connector.

Breathing resistance
at 30 l/min: 1.8 mbar
at 95 l/min: 6.0 mbar

Duration at gases

Filter Type Class Test Gas Test Concentration (PPM) Test Flow (l/min) Test HR (%) Breakthrough concentration (PPM) Duration (min)
Required Tested
A 2 C6H12 5000 30 70 10 35 50
B 2 Cl2 5000 30 70 0.5 20 38
H2S 5000 30 70 10 40 46
HCN 5000 30 70 10 25 > 35
E 2 SO2 5000 30 70 5 20 24
K 2 NH3 5000 30 70 25 40 47


Filter Type Class Test Flow Aerosol(%) Pen Max Allowed(%) Test 1 (%) Test 2 (%)
P 3 95 l/min NaCI 0.05 0.009 0.0003
Paraffin oil 0.05 0.002 0.0012

Test 1: Maximum penetration till 120 mg aerosol exposition
Test 2: Penetration after 120 mg aerosol exposition and 24h storage